RSS Volunteers With Food Bank Of The Rockies

A small group of RSS team members had the pleasure of volunteering with Food Bank of the Rockies earlier this month! Together we packed almost two tons of food and hygiene items to be distributed to Hunger Relief Partners.

We packed 460 bags of fruit and vegetables for Food For Kids which will help provide 1,150 meals to families in need. We also packed over 100 boxes of hygiene products such as hand sanitizer, soap, razors and lotion that will go to those struggling to obtain these basic necessities in our community.

As a reminder, RSS will donate $10.00 for every referral we receive to Food Bank of the Rockies (FBR) through the end of the month as part of our Charity of the Quarter Referral Program. We created our continuing referral program to support the charitable work of numerous non-profit organizations.

We always love partnering with Food Bank of the Rockies and are always impressed by all they do for those struggling in our community.

Since mid-March of 2020, Food Bank of the Rockies has seen an entirely new level of food insecurity in our communities. They have provided millions of pounds to thousands of people throughout Colorado and Wyoming. They are serving many people who have lost their jobs and are facing food insecurity for the first time due to Covid-19.  More than 30 percent of the people they’re serving report never needing food assistance before this crisis, and families who were already vulnerable have found themselves in dire need.

Food Bank of the Rockies runs a very efficient organization, using less than 4 cents of every dollar for administration. 96 cents of every dollar contributed goes towards food distribution. And every dollar they receive provides four meals for our hungry Coloradans.

RSS will not only be donating $10 for every referral we receive to FBR, but we are also hosting a virtual food drive for Food Bank of the Rockies through the end of the month.

Did you know only 3% of the food FBR distributes comes from food drives?  With their purchasing power and network of wholesale, retail, farm and ranch donors, they able to do much more with a monetary donation.

To donate to our virtual food drive, click HERE.

 We highly encourage you to learn more about FBR’s mission. To visit their website, please click HERE.


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