$500 Visa Gift Card Drawing

We want to thank all of our customers and friends for their support and referrals throughout the craziness and uncertainty of 2021!  We truly appreciate your confidence in us and loved it when you recommended and entrusted us to your family and friends. We definitely find working with our customers to be a very rewarding experience!  As you may remember, as part of our referral program in 2021, we donated $10 to charity for every referral we received.

As we close 2021, we want to remind you about the second part of our referral program. As an additional way to say, “thank you for your referral,” we will also have a drawing at the end of December for a $500.00 Visa gift card. Our program runs through December 31st, so there is still time to have your friends or family give us a call!  We will enter your name in our drawing for the $500 gift card and will donate $10 to A Precious Child (our current charity of the quarter). We will announce the winner and contact them during the first week of January.

Again, thank you for your trust and support and we hope you have a very Happy Holiday and wonderful 2022!


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